LLARGO COVER / watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNP8S-RT900 LLARGO COVER / daydreaming / radiohead cover shooting day dress: Alessia Xoccato LLARGO PORTRAITS / springtime 2016 LLARGO PORTRAITS / Chris 2015 INSTAGRAM / standing right here in the middle of the mess you’ve just caused RECORDING SESSION / OCTOBER 2014 London UK / FEBRUARY 2014 live projection LLARGO EP / 2013 bB LLARGO PORTRAITS / Lele EP // 2013 RECORDING SESSION / SC STUDIO Cantù ITALY / APRIL 2014 Cusano Milanino ITALY https://www.llargomusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MALASANGRE-WEBSITE_low.mp4 / MARCH 2014 Seregno ITALY / OCTOBER 2012 Seregno ITALY LLARGO COVER / daydreaming / radiohead cover shooting day LLARGO PORTRAITS / springtime 2016 INSTAGRAM / when the room is quiet INSTAGRAM / mood of the day LLARGO PORTRAITS / bB GLARE INSTAGRAM / RECORDIN SESSION detail LLARGO PORTRAITS / Chris EP // 2013 LLARGO EP / 2013 cover detail PHOTO SHOOTING / bB CROSSING VOICE ON WHITE FIELD / FEBRUARY 2014 Monza ITALY / OCTOBER 2012 Seregno ITALY LLARGO COVER / watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVoALdkAuC0 LLARGO PORTRAITS / springtime 2016 INSTAGRAM / away from the shore slowly diving / OCTOBER 2014 London UK LLARGO EP / 2013 LLARGO PORTRAITS / Lele EP // 2013 RECORDING SESSION / SC STUDIO Lele Garro https://www.llargomusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/agora.mp3 RECORDING SESSION / SC STUDIO Cantù ITALY